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Showing posts from April, 2013

Saturday June 1st - The Arboretum Tomé Open House

You are invited to see our unique collection of native high desert trees during our annual ‘Spring Fling in the Trees’ open house. After 25 years the Arboretum is known worldwide for its collection of Oaks and the remediation of the saline sodic alkaline clay soils of the site. Soils were remediated using the products of Soil Secrets. Today the Arboretum serves as the Production Nursery for Trees That Please Nursery and also serves as the proving ground for Soil Secrets Products. Our Spring Fling is Free Saturday June 1st   9:30 to 4:00 Located at 9 Gilcrease Road, Los Lunas, NM 87031 Bring your sack lunch and enjoy the shade of Fruit Trees, Redwoods, Maples, & Oaks. Lectures at 10 am Participate in the free lectures or walk amongst the trees. Trees will be labeled so you can conduct your own private tour! Visit our Website for more information and directions: o r contact Trees That Please Nursery a...

We Have Warm Season Veggies!

It’s almost time to plant your warm season garden veggies! We have tomatoes,   chile, hot peppers,     bell peppers, herbs, and flowers!   Veggies are sold in 4-packs, that is 4 plants to a container, and cost the same as last year!!   Flowers are sold in 6-packs, also without any price increase! Be vigilant of the weather and night time low temperatures. We can still have late frosts until the first week of May. However, you can take your plants home and acclimate them to the sun and wind. Put them out during the day and either bring them in for the night or cover them if low temperatures are predicted. Stop by the nursery and check out our selection. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, talk to our sales staff to see if we might be able to find what you’re looking for. We hope to see you at the nursery!! Photos & Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist

Early Spring Hard Freeze Damage

Sometimes Mother Nature Seems Cruel, the last few weeks in Los Lunas have consisted of daily temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s with nighttime temperatures in the upper 30’s to almost 50. Fruit trees were blooming, trees and shrubs were leafing out, it seemed like the winter cold was behind us. Then WHAM , Mother Nature hits the area with two nights of freezing temperatures. The first night passes with a light freeze and a low of 29º F . That morning a sigh of relief, all the plants seem OK with no leaf, fruit, or flower damage – Hooray!   Then comes the second night with a hard freeze warning and a low of 20º F , don’t really want to go look at the plants that morning so I go to work. I think about the possible freeze damage all day. So when I get home I go straight to the yard and look closely at everything. Fruit tree foliage looks fine.     Small developing fruits are blackened as in this Harrow Delight pear   or shriveled like this Toka plum...

The Flowering Pears Are Blooming Now?

It’s the first week of April and the Flowering Pears are in full bloom now throughout the middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. Trees are literally covered with white flowers. Flowering Pears produce two spectacular shows annually. In spring, they produce a profusion of white flower blossoms. In fall, trees are equally spectacular with leaves that turn a brilliant red-maroon. In between shows, they have beautiful glossy green leaves. Flowering Pears do not produce edible fruits but sometimes produce small remnant fruits about the size of marbles. Flowering Pears are not well-suited for xeriscape or rockscape gardens as they require regular water for optimal growth and seasonal color displays. There are several flowering pear varieties available including Bradford Pear ( Pyrus calleryiana ), Cleveland Select Pear, and Aristocrat Pear. These varieties vary in growth form and ultimate mature size. Contact the nursery at or by p...