You are invited to see our unique collection of native high desert trees during our annual ‘Spring Fling in the Trees’ open house. After 25 years the Arboretum is known worldwide for its collection of Oaks and the remediation of the saline sodic alkaline clay soils of the site. Soils were remediated using the products of Soil Secrets. Today the Arboretum serves as the Production Nursery for Trees That Please Nursery and also serves as the proving ground for Soil Secrets Products. Our Spring Fling is Free Saturday June 1st 9:30 to 4:00 Located at 9 Gilcrease Road, Los Lunas, NM 87031 Bring your sack lunch and enjoy the shade of Fruit Trees, Redwoods, Maples, & Oaks. Lectures at 10 am Participate in the free lectures or walk amongst the trees. Trees will be labeled so you can conduct your own private tour! Visit our Website for more information and directions: o r contact Trees That Please Nursery a...