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Showing posts from May, 2015

TerraPro® Treated Wine Grapes One Year Later

One year ago the TerraPro® was put down on the San Vicente Ranch.   Attached are three photos showing results. May 2015 One Year TerraPro® Applied Photo 1  May 2015 One Year TerraPro® Applied Photo 2 May 2015 One Year TerraPro® Applied Photo 3 I have attached a photo from another winery that planted their grapes three years ago, the same as the San Vicente grapes.   7 No  TerraPro®   May2015 5 Vineyard No  TerraPro®   May2015 What a difference in production the TerraPro® has made to provide water and nutrients for an amazing production  the other winery has no grape production on the vines shown.    Salt Sucks ! John Miller Spec International West Coast Soil Secrets Distributor Tucson, Arizona Email: 

Treating Plant Mineral Nutrient Deficiencies With Soil Secrets Products At Trees That Please Nursery!

Our vegetable starter plants are ready for planting now and are growing rapidly. They only have a small plug of soil from which to extract most of the required nutrients for growth. When that plug of soil becomes depleted of a required nutrient the plant displays symptoms that are caused by one or more deficient nutrients. Plant Essential Mineral Nutrients are those required by the plant for normal growth and development. We can diagnose some of these nutrient deficiencies by looking closely at overall plant condition, especially the leaves. Simply put:  the plant can tell us when it is lacking a certain required nutrient. Here are two examples to illustrate: Iron Deficiency Stress:   When a plant is deficient in iron they often display the symptom of interveinal chlorosis. Interveinal chlorosis is a general yellowing of leaves where the veins remaining green as seen in the photo below of Bell Pepper Plants. The other clue that points to Iron D...

Trees That Please Nursery Your Bagged And Bulk Mulch Headquarters!

The Secret To Planting Success In Our Climate is Mulch!    Mulch Protects The Soil!    Mulch Keeps The Soil Cool!    Mulch Helps The Soil Retain Moisture! Place Mulch Liberally Around All Your Trees And Shrubs! Trees That Please Nursery Has Bagged Pecan Mulch Bagged Cypress Mulch Bulk Pecan Mulch Bulk Horse Bedding Material (Wood Chips & Horse Manure)! And Bulk Chipped / Shredded Mulch! We can even load it for you or deliver it. Come In and Get Some Mulch! The Secret To Planting Success In Our Climate is Mulch! Open Daily till 5:00 pm. Photos and Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

Colorful Perennials At Trees That Please Nursery!

We have lots of color for your garden space! Including: Coreopsis Yarrow Primrose Ice Plant Dianthus Whirling Butterflies Pincushion Flower and More.... Come to our Shady Nursery Location on Highway 47 in Los Lunas and check out all our colorful annuals, perennials, shrubs, and flowering trees. Open Daily till 5:00 pm. Photos and Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

Shop In Comfortable Shade At Trees That Please Nursey

Wow, if you haven't seen Trees That Please lately you will be amazed with   Albuquerque and New Mexico's most shady and beautiful retail nursery.  Shop in the comfortable shade of Oaks  and Redwoods  or our shade house.  Here's a few more  pictures to tempt you to visit us soon.  We Still Have Lots Of Veggie Starter Plants For Your Garden. These Are Ready To Plant Now! Photos and Narrative By: Michael Martin Meléndrez Owner Trees That Please Nursery Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

Soil Secrets Success – Restoration of Site Soil Ecology

The following images were taken at the site of the former Santa Fe Greenhouses nursery, where Soil Secrets was used to restore the soil ecology of the site.  Commercial TerraPro, Protein Crumblies and the liquid products Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia were hydro-fed onto the site as a soil drench using our  Bowie hydro-seeding machine.   All these images were taken the first summer following the treatment.   For additional information about the Soil Secrets Products Commercial TerraPro, Protein Crumblies and the liquid products Earth Nectar and Earth Ambrosia visit the Soil Secrets website at:   Soil Secrets Website Michael Martin Meléndrez Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC Albuquerque's Soil Conditioner Source 505 550-3246

Big Buds At Trees That Please Nursery!

Trees That Please Nursery has Big Budded Butterfly Bushes in full bloom now.  We have a Pink Flowered Variety called "Pink Charm" that has BIG Gorgeous Pink Flower Buds in Full Bloom Now. We also have "Black Knight" with dark violet or purple flowers. The fragrance of both of these varieties is very pleasing! Butterfly Bushes (Buddleia sp.)  attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators and come in assorted flower colors. Plant them in full sun. Since they attract many different pollinators consider planting them in the yard near your veggie garden. They usually bloom from late spring through frost. They usually need a late winter pruning to reshape them for the seasons growth. They grow 5′-6′ tall and wide and do best with Low to regular water. Hardy to USDA Zone 5. Photos and Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los L...

We're All Smiles While Working At The Arboretum Tomé!

The Staff of Trees That Please Nursery & Soil Secrets Up-Potting Young Tree Seedlings and Repairing Machinery At The Arboretum Tomé! Photos and Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

Jupiter’s Beard and Columbine – The Dynamic Duo!

Jupiter’s Beard and Columbine are two flowering perennials that combine  to make a colorful floral statement. Jupiter’s Beard is also known as Red Valerian. It is a short bushy flowering perennial.  The red flowering variety is most commonly seen but there is also a white flowering variety that is just as worthy of planting in your garden space. Jupiter’s Beard flowers from spring until frost. This perennial does best when grown in a part sun garden spot. Oval Lance like leaves are gray-green in color. Columbine is another flowering perennial that can be found in a great variety of flower colors. Like Jupiter’s Beard, Columbine does very well when planted in a part sun garden space.   Jupiter’s Beard and Columbine thrive on a low to regular water schedule. Mulch well to conserve water. Trees That Please Nursery has these and other flowering perennials  available in one gallon containers that are ready for plant...

Happy Mother's Day!

Trees That Please Nursery Wishes  A Happy Mothers Day To All Moms Out There! May You Have A Love Filled Day Spent With Family!

Photos of Wine Vines Going On Their 3rd Leaf One Year After TerraPro Treatment!

Take a look at these fotos! We applied Terra Pro to these vines one year ago this week.  Check out the growth and the blooms!  They are irrigating every 15 days for 12 hours.  Before Terra Pro the schedule was every 7-8 days.  Also the citrus trees and pomegranates are very healthy and  look to produce a larger harvest than last year!  Robert ¨Bob¨ Godde Ph# 646 118 6701 U.S. 01152 646 118 6701 Soil Secrets de Mexico