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Showing posts from March, 2016

Bare-Root Craze

The season is here! Trees That Please is now excited to announce the availability of our Bare-root Fruit Trees! Our large varieties and high quality options of bare-root fruit trees, at the best price possible, make for an exciting season for fruit tree lovers, and the beginner to advanced gardeners.  During the midwinter season, while the fruit trees are dormant, the trees are uprooted from the fields and shipped to our retail nursery. As a result of the trees winter dormancy, the root systems remain intact and healthy during this process; allowing you to expand your garden at the lowest prices of the season.  Planting bare-root fruit trees in the dormant season will allow you to prune and train your tree to be the particular shape and size you desire. Planting dormant bare-root fruit trees allows for a stress free environment while your tree adapts to its new soil.  Bare-root fruit trees are one of the easiest ways to include food bearing trees into your garden.          

"Microbes Rule"

  Michael Martin MelĂ©ndrez Facebook Link "Microbes Rule"  At one time Soil Secrets like everybody else attempted to fix the many problems of soil by using products such as compost, compost tea, compost extracts, worm castings, bio-char, molasses, and the list goes on. However with microbial labs now getting into the act and working for hire providing the ability to look for the DNA footprint of microbes, along with gene sequencing, we can now create products and protocols that have turned a "square wheel world into a round wheel." We can now produce exactly the correct microbes that are needed to solve the many issues of soil health and plant nutrient uptake, particularly in agriculture where increasing salinity is inhibiting the uptake of plant nutrients. Check out the list of the Soil Biota that we are currently working on providing our farming and landscaping clients. At the moment we are waiting for final approval by all the government entities