On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me Twelve Assorted Landscape Plants Eleven Pounds Of Clover Seed Ten Friendship Plants Nine Li Jujubes Eight Bags of Mulch Seven Bags Of TTP Supreme Compost Six Gambel Oaks Five Golden Raintrees Four Earth Worm Castings Three Trumpet Vines Two TerraPros® And A Partridge In A Pear Tree Trees That Please Nursery grows plants that thrive in the desert southwest. We propagate shade trees, fruit trees, shrubs, vines, evergreens, cacti, flowering perennials, seasonal herbs and veggies, as well as indoor houseplants. We have plants to fit your space large or small! We have deep rooted or shallow rooted trees that can be planted dependent upon structures in the landscape. We have low water and high water requiring plants depending upon your needs. We provide planting instructions and care guides to h...