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Showing posts from September, 2012

Golden Delicious Apple

Golden Delicious Apples ( Malus pumila ) are crisp, sweet, and juicy when picked at peak ripeness from your own tree. Have you been unimpressed with Golden Delicious Apples purchased from your local grocery store or super market? Most often those apples were picked prior to peak ripeness so that they could be stored and shipped, so flavor and sugars never fully developed. Don’t let those grocery store apples make up your mind about Golden Delicious Apples. They are a deliciously sweet treat when picked ripe and eaten directly from the tree. Golden Delicious Apples ripen during September in Los Lunas, New Mexico and are heavy bearing trees. Golden Delicious Apples ripen over several weeks allowing you sufficient time to enjoy and / or process. Pick Golden Delicious Apples when they change to a yellow gold or yellow gold with rosy cheeks. Golden Delicious apple trees are self-fertile, meaning they are stand-alone fruit trees requiring no other nearby apple tr...

Afghan Pine

The Afghan Pine ( Pinus eldarica ) is also known as Desert Pine, Eldarica Pine or Mondell Pine. Afghan Pine is native to low rainfall areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and southern Russia . In fact, when planted in areas of high rainfall (> 20” per year), it becomes susceptible to a number of diseases and rapidly declines. This problem has occurred in East Texas.   The Afghan Pine thrives in heat, wind, and tolerates drought. Afghan Pine must be planted in soils with good drainage like sand. It is not suitable for poorly drained heavy clasy soils. Afghan Pines are generally pyramidal or Christmas tree shaped in form when young   becoming more oval or irregular with age. The leaves of the Afghan Pine are evergreen needles usually found in groups of 2 per fascicle or sheath. Needles are shed after several years and make excellent mulch as they fall around the trees base.   It has attractive trunk bark that becomes dark and furrowed with...

Time to Save during our October Sale!!!!!

Don’t miss our annual October Sale! Each October we discount our Trees and Shrubs, some as much as 50%. Have you been waiting for cooler weather to plant? Have you been looking for that perfect tree or shrub for your home or business? October is your month, not only for planting but to get some great deals on Shade Trees, Oak Trees, Fruit Trees, Ornamentals, Cacti, and Perennials at Trees That Please Nursery!. Do you need to feed and fertilize your landscape? Come in and save on Soil Secret Products like: Earth Magic, Protein Crumblies, Compost, and Worm Castings! Don’t miss our annual October Sale! October 1 st thru the 31 st !   We hope to see you there!!!!   Contact Trees That Please Nursery for more information.

Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper ( Parthenocissus quinquefolia ) is also known as false grape, five-finger ivy, five-leaved ivy, and woodbine. It is native to eastern and central North America and eastern Mexico.   Virginia Creeper is vigorous growing vine easily adding 10’ – 15’ of growth annually. It is most often grown as an ornamental plant to create a visual barrier, hide a fence or wall, as a ground cover, and even on walls of homes to help cool during summer months. Virginia Creeper climbs using tendrils (like grapes) that have adhesive pads at their ends. These adhesive pads allow the plant to climb up smooth walls, telephone poles, trees, etc. The leaves of Virginia Creeper are compound with usually 5 smaller leaflets. Virginia Creeper is also grown for the beautiful fall color it produces. Leaves may be red to burgundy and many different colors from red to green. Virginia Creeper may smother or kill plants it covers by shading them and there...

Golden Rain Tree

Golden Rain Tree ( Koelreuteria paniculata ) is also known as the China tree or Varnish tree. It is native to Eastern Asia, China, and Korea. Golden Rain Tree is a smaller tree with a rounded canopy usually reaching 20’ – 25’ tall and wide in our climate.   Golden Rain Tree is normally grown as an ornamental valued for both its flowers and persistent seed pods. The flowers of Golden Rain Tree form in late spring into summer. Yellow flowers form on panicles (spikes),   that project up above and out of the canopy, hence the name “Golden Rain”. Fruits are a three lobed pod-like structure that resemble tiny Japanese lanterns. Fruits are first green, then mature to brown and persist into winter providing structural interest. Mature fruits contain black seeds in each of its lobes.   Leaves are compound with leaflets.     Golden Rain Tree is best grown in full sun with low to regular water. Golden Rain Tree grows well...

Weed Identification: Sand Bur

Sand Bur ( Cenchrus longispinus ) is native to North America. It has other names like sand spur, long-spined sand bur, hedgehog grass, and bur grass . Sand Bur is an annual grass usually growing with a prostrate growth form. It is similar in appearance to other grasses prior to seed formation. Individual plants may be 3’ in diameter, sometimes larger. Sand Bur is a common weed of sandy soils but also grows well elsewhere. Sand Bur will often root at stem nodes that are touching the ground. The root system of Sand Bur is shallow and fibrous making them easily pulled (when immature). Sand Bur produces a flowering spike. As seeds begin to form Sand Bur is easily recognized by its numerous sharp or burred seeds or long spines. As the burred seeds mature they are easily separated from the mother plant and their sharp spines stick to virtually anything. Sand Bur can disseminate its seeds long distances because its sharp spines will hitch a ride on skin, anim...

Fall is Feeding Time for Plants!!

At the nursery we feed our plants twice annually using a combination of Earth Magic , Protein Crumblies , and TTP Supreme Compost .  Our fall feeding is done in September. We build soil and introduce beneficial soil microorganisms with Earth Magic while TTP Supreme Compost and Protein Crumblies are used to feed our plants and the soil. At Trees That Please Nursery we use Soil Secrets Products exclusively to feed our plants, build our soil, and introduce beneficial soil microorganisms. We use no chemical fertilizers or pesticides on any of our plants. Soil Secrets Products are Healthy Choices that make Healthy Plants which in turn result in Healthy People whether it is from consumption of Healthy Plants or the enjoyment of their beauty and shade to make our living spaces more comfortable. Earth Magic (also known as TerraPro) is a unique concentrated humus product that contains a broad spectrum of beneficial mycorrhizae fungi and soil enzymes along with a high percentag...

Pampas Grass

Pampas Grass ( Cortaderia selloana ) is native to South America and grows as a tall bunch or clump grass. Clumps can reach 6’- 8’ tall and wide. The leaves are long and slender reaching lengths of 3’- 6’. Leaves are green with sharp edges and can sometimes cause paper-cut like injuries.   Pampas Grass produces tall feathery flowers in dense plumes. Plumes may be 12” – 24” tall and up to 6” wide. Varieties are available with flowers that are white, cream, silvery and even pink in color. Pampas Grass is usually grown as an ornamental due to its large size and spectacular flower plumes. Plumes may last months on the plant. Plumes are also used in dried flower arrangements and are sometimes painted for a showier effect. Pampas grass grows well in both sandy and clay type soils. It is drought and pest-resistant. It grows quickly with regular water so can be used as a specimen plant or to create a wind break, privacy screen, or visual barrier. Pampas Gr...

Weed Identification: Goatheads or Stickers

Goatheads ( Tribulus terrestris ) are native to Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Goatheads are also called stickers, sticker weed, bullhead, devil’s weed, and puncturevine. Goatheads are easily recognized by their prostrate growth form, leaves with leaflets, yellow flowers, and stickers (Goatheads). If you miss’em visually then they will stab you painfully in the fingers as you work your garden, or stick to your clothing and shoes. Goatheads are the primary reason local bicyclists must get “thorn proof” tires for riding on area trails and streets. Goatheads have prostrate stems that radiate outward from one central point. Leaves are compound with smaller leaflets. Lemon yellow flowers form along the stems and fertilized flowers form fruits.   Fruits consist of several attached structures called nutlets (Goatheads). Each nutlet is a single seed that becomes hard or woody when mature. Each seed has two sharp spines that easily pene...

Engelmann’s Prickly Pear

Engelmann’s Prickly Pear ( Opuntia engelmannii ) is common across the Southwestern United States and into Mexico. At the base of the nearby west-facing foothills of the Sandia and Manzano mountains of central New Mexico it can be found growing in association with Gray Oak, Turbinella Oak, Pinon Pine, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Mahonia, Tree Cholla, and Bear Grass. Engelmann’s Prickly Pear is also commonly called Texas Prickly Pear, Desert Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear, and Nopal. Engelmann’s Prickly Pear forms clumps 3’ to 4’ tall and wide or larger. Engelmann’s Prickly Pear does not form stalks, like yuccas, but adds new prickly pear pads annually to existing pads.   Pads are normally a pale green color and can have a diameter of up to 12”.     Engelmann’s Prickly Pear has long white or yellow spines and clusters of smaller hair-like spines called glochids. Each cluster contains numerous glochids that easily come off into the unprotected skin and causes ...