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Showing posts from January, 2015

Anticipating Bare Root Fruit Tree Season?

Trees That Please Nursery Will Have Bare Root Fruit Trees Available This Week, February 5th!  Come Early to Get The Best Selection! We will have Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, and Jujubes! What is a Bare Root Fruit Tree? 1)     Bare Root Fruit trees have had the soil removed from their roots. This makes shipping and handling easier! 2)     Bare Root Fruit trees are younger trees, generally 2-3 years old. Fruit production  begins 2-3 years after planting. 3)     Bare Root Fruit trees are less expensive making them a good value when it comes to planting your backyard orchard! 4)     Bare Root Fruit trees are easier to plant. Just dig a hole large and deep enough to accommodate the roots as in the photo below: MAKE SURE you leave the graft union exposed 2” – 4” above the soil Bare Root fruit trees are planted while still dormant, immediately upon receipt. Normal winter care consists of watering about once every 3-4 weeks

Soil Health And Changing Soil Compaction

Soil Secrets is a Soil Ecology company.  You cannot grow a healthy landscape or a healthy crop without the soil's ecology also being healthy and soil compaction  is a major obstacle to healthy soil.  The following story exemplifies how Soil Secrets has the technology to fix soil compaction problems using the biochemistry of Nature, the Humic molecules.     Our competitors offer Humic Acids in some form or another, with many claiming to be unique formulations.  However if you don't know the molecular description of the molecules involved, it's impossible to modify them in a beneficial way.  It’s important to understand that outside of Soil Secrets, Humic Acids have never been isolated (purified) for the objective of identifying each molecular fraction and describing the molecules, or proving what the chemical properties are of these molecules.    The methods used by commercial or university soil labs for Humic Acid analysis are crude non-standardized base extr

A Valley Oak Starts It’s Journey At Trees That Please Nursery.

The Valley Oak ( Quercus lobata ) is native to California and has slow to moderate growth reaching up to 40′-50′ tall and wide. It’s leaves are similar to our native Gambel Oak. Leaves display yellow brown fall color. Like most oaks it has deep roots and it is long-lived. The Valley Oak grows best with regular water. Trees That Please Nursery propagates the Valley Oak because it does very well in clay soils and high water table areas. The picture below shows how a Valley Oak starts it’s journey at Trees That Please Nursery. Acorns from locally grown trees were collected and refrigerated until use. At planting we dust emerging roots with a mycorrhizal inoculant called White Lightning®.     White Lightning® contains Glomus intraradices an Arbuscular Mycorrhizae species and 8 species of Ectomycorrhizae.   Glomus intraradices associates with the vast majority of agricultural short term crops! Ectomycorrhizae associate with many conifers (i.e. hemlocks, firs and spruce)

You don’t need to wait for spring to plant!

How many of us put off our landscape planting needs until the growing season resumes with warmer spring temperatures? How many of us think we cannot plant in winter? How many of us think winter is a bad time to plant? You don’t need to wait for spring to plant! Winter is actually an ideal time for planting because there is no water stress on newly planted trees and shrubs. Sometimes when we plant a containerized tree or shrub during the growing season we may inadvertently damage some roots as we remove it from its pot. During the growing season plants are actively pulling water in through their roots. If roots are damaged during planting your tree or shrub may wilt. A tree or shrub with damaged roots may take some time to recover and may look “wilted” for a couple days.  As long as you keep the soil well watered it generally recovers in a couple days. Planting a dormant tree or shrub during winter avoids this water stress issue. If roots are damaged during winter planting

How To Choose The Best Shade Tree For Your Space: Step 3: Determine Your Water Availability!!

You Must Determine If Water Is Limiting In Your Landscape? If No , then your previous tree choices are still acceptable! If Yes , Water Is Limiting , then review your tree choices for their individual water needs. You can usually find water usage information on the Trees That Please Website or by doing a Google search for the tree choices on your list. Water Usage For The Trees On Your List Is As Follows: Chinese Pistache  -  Low to Regular Water Chisos Red Oak    -  Low to Regular Water Shantung Maple    -  Low to Regular Water Texas Red Oak     -  Low to Regular Water Texas Redwood   -  Regular to High Water The Texas Redwood is a riparian zone tree meaning that it is usually found in the wild growing next to a river or stream or other source of water (photo below). Where water is limiting then the Texas Redwood would not be a suitable shade tree choice for your landscape. BOOM it Goes Away! In A Water Limited Landscape The

How To Choose The Best Shade Tree For Your Space: Step 2: Analyze Your Space – Eliminate Choices!

Step 2: Analyze Your Space – Eliminate Choices! Use Property Characters To Refine & Narrow Down Your Choices! You’ve done some research using website descriptions and observations of trees that grow in the area and you have a list.   Let’s work an example: Initial Tree List: Chinese Pistache Chinquapin Oak Chisos Red Oak Cottonwood Fruitless Mulberry Shantung Maple Texas Red Oak Texas Redwood Weeping Willow Can’t Plant Them All - We Need To Narrow This List Down? Let’s analyze our space starting with: How big is my planting area? You need to measure it. Let’s say your front yard faces East and you want shade on your windows to cool down the house in the mornings! Measure the distance from house to sidewalk or street. You then measure 30 feet to street and 30’ wide to property lines. What trees from your list will fit this space? Mature tree canopy size tells you to eliminate the Cottonwood, Mulberry, Weeping Willow, a

How To Choose The Best Shade Tree For Your Space: Step 1!

Step 1: As with any process it’s best to do a little homework. Maybe you love Cottonwood Trees but do you know how big they will get? Do you know how much water they need for best growth? What about roots, do Cottonwoods have deep or surface roots? Do they have weak branches that tend to break in our spring winds? How Fast Can Cottonwoods Grow Under Optimal Conditions? A Good Place To Start Your Shade Tree Search Is To Visit Our Website. We Have A Shade Trees Section That You Can View Via The Link Below: In Our Shade Tree Section We Have Trees For Large And Small Spaces. We’ve Put Together Information That Can Help You Choose A Shade Tree For Your Space. If you would like even more information visit our blog at: In the upper left portion of the screen there is a search button. Type in the name of the shade tree you are interested in for example, Chisos Red O

We’re Open And Ready To Talk Trees!

We’ve Opened Our Door Shoveled The Snow From The Entryway And Put Up Our Sign! We’re Ready To Talk Trees, Landscaping, Gardening, Feeding Your Soil Or Plants, Pruning, Tree and Shrub Care, And More! We're Here To Help You Succeed! Visit Our Website To See The Great Variety Of Landscaping Essentials We Stock: Photos & Narrative By: Stephen Sain  Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery Retail and Wholesale Nurseries Unique Choice Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen

How Many Nurseries Have You Searched Looking For That Elusive, Sweet and Juicy Blue Plum?

Your Search Is Over! Trees That Please Nursery Offers The Stanley Plum! Stanley produces a large blue plum with sweet yellow flesh. If you like dried fruits then you are in luck as Stanley Plums can be dried into tasty prunes. Stanley Plum is a self-fruitful tree. The tree is a vigorous grower and a late bloomer often producing fruit when other varieties cannot after late spring frosts. So if you’re looking for a sweet and juicy fruit with that unusual blue color Visit Trees That Please Nursery! For More Information About Stanley Plum Check Out Our Website At: Photos & Narrative By: Stephen Sain  Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery Retail and Wholesale Nurseries Unique Choice Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen