Step 1: As with any
process it’s best to do a little homework.
Maybe you love Cottonwood Trees but do you
know how big they will get?
Do you know how much water they need for best
What about roots, do Cottonwoods have deep or
surface roots?
Do they have weak branches that tend to break
in our spring winds?
How Fast Can Cottonwoods Grow Under Optimal
A Good Place To Start Your Shade Tree Search
Is To Visit Our Website.
We Have A Shade Trees Section
That You Can View Via The Link Below:
In Our Shade Tree Section We Have Trees For
Large And Small Spaces. We’ve Put Together Information That Can Help You Choose
A Shade Tree For Your Space.
If you would like even more information visit
our blog at:
In the upper left portion of the screen there
is a search button. Type in the name of the shade tree you are interested in
for example, Chisos Red Oak, then hit enter. If we have done a story on your
tree then it will be displayed on the screen. Our blogs normally contain more
information and more pictures than we display on our website.
Be Sure And Check Back With Us For:
How To Choose The Best
Shade Tree For Your Space: Step 2!
Trees That Please Nursery
Unique Amongst Retail and Wholesale
Serving Albuquerque, Santa
Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen