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Showing posts from February, 2013

Crown of Thorns Plant

The Crown of Thorns Plant ( Euphorbia milii ) is also known as the Christ plant or Christ thorn is a popular houseplant . It is a member of the family Euphorbiaciae and is native to Madagascar. The common name of this plant refers to the legend that the crown of thorns was worn by Christ at the time of his crucifixion. Members of the genus Euphorbia exude a caustic, milky sap or latex from any cut or broken surface. Latex evolved as a deterrent to herbivores. Herbivores are organisms that eat plants. If placed in contact with mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, or nose latex is very irritating. Euphorbia species make good houseplants but should be handled with caution and kept away from children or pets. Hands should be washed immediately if exposed to any of the milky latex. The Crown of Thorns Plant is a climbing succulent shrub that can reach six feet tall. It has spiny stems and usually only has leaves on new growth. The Crown of Thorns Plant produce...

Árboles Que Placen

Cultivamos plantas que prosperan en el desierto del suroeste:   Árboles de sombra, árboles de roble, árboles frutales, árboles de hoja siempre verde, plantas ornamentales, plantas retoñables, cactus, semillas de césped y hierbas de temporada y verduras. Somos un vivero que ofrece servicio completo: consultas, entrega, y siembras. También tenemos la línea completa de productos de (Soil Secrets) secretos de suelo, la mejor manera para hacer tus tierra saludables. Estamos ubicados en Los Lunas, carretera 47,   6 km al sur de la Albertsons y centro comercial de Big 5.    Estamos abiertos:         Martes - Sábado       9 am a 4 pm                                     Domingo  ...

Bare-Root Jujube Trees Available Now

Trees That Please Nursery has Bare-Root Jujube trees available now for immediate planting.  What is a Bare-Root Fruit Tree? Bare-Root fruit trees are those which have been harvested while still dormant (leaf-less) and sold without soil around their roots (see photo).  Our Bare-Root Jujubes are quite large. Late winter to Early Spring is Bare-Root fruit tree planting season. Bare-Root fruit trees are very inexpensive compared to container grown varieties making them a great way to add to or start your orchard. The Jujube tree (Ziziphus zizyphus) is also known as the Chinese date, red date, or just Jujube. It grows as a small to medium sized tree reaching 10’ – 20’ tall and wide. It has a very beautiful canopy with glossy-green leaves. Branches usually have spines approximately 1 inch in length. Jujubes produce small flowers in spring and summer on branches throughout the tree. Jujubes produce a small fruit that can be round to oblong or e...

Tenemos Árboles Frutales (Bare-Root) Disponibles Ahora.

¿Qué es un árbol frutal Bare-Root? Son aquellos que han sido cosechados mientras sigue viviente  (sin hojas) y se vende sin tierra alrededor de las raíces (ver foto).   La temporada para siembrar Bare-Root árboles frutales es desde finales de Invierna hasta principios de primavera. ¿Por qué plantar árboles de fruta con (Bare-Root) raíz desnuda? Bare-root árboles frutales son menos caros que los establecidos en los contenedores. La gran diversidad de las variedades disponibles. Muchos viveros ofrecen estándar, herencia o árboles frutales menos común en variedad como desnudos de raíces. Algunos viveros hacen injertos personalizados de la variedad que no está en disponible. Injerto personalizado le permite seleccionar una adecuada variedad de fruta y una portainjertos para que coincida con su particular situación del tierra. Transporte y siembra en este tipos de árboles es más fácil debido a la reducción de peso y masa radicular, ya que la tierra que n...

Try a Friendship Plant For Valentine’s Day!

Billbergia nutans   or Queen's-Tears is a   bromeliad   native   to   Brazil ,   Uruguay , and   Argentina . This plant makes a wonderful   ornamental house plant . It tolerates under-watering, over-watering, heat, and some cold (but not freezing temperatures).  The plant has foliage similar to that of a Day Lily with long, green, arching foliage. Queen’s-Tears produce spectacular flowers combining colors of pink, blue, green, yellow, and purple that bloom in February. This plant is commonly also called the “Friendship Plant,” because it is easily propagated allowing it to be shared with friends or plant lovers. The Friendship Plant produces small plantlets called “pups” that are produced from rhizomes at the base by the mother plant. Individual pups can be removed and transplanted into new containers. These will quickly proliferate to fill their container. You can then divide and transplant them into new colo...

Bare-Root Fruit Trees – Available Now!

What is a Bare-Root Fruit Tree? Bare-Root fruit trees are those which have been harvested while still dormant (leaf-less) and sold without soil around their roots (see photo). Late winter to Early Spring is Bare-Root fruit tree planting season. Why plant bare-root fruit trees? 1)                   Bare-root fruit trees are less expensive than those established in containers. 2)                   The great diversity of available varieties. Many nurseries offer standard, heirloom, or less common fruit tree varieties as bare-roots. 3)                  Some nurseries do custom grafting of a variety if it is not in stock. Custom grafting allows you to select a suitable fruit variety and a rootstock to match your particular s...

Winter Hours & More

Trees That Please Nursery is open through winter for all your planting needs and speaking of this cold season, winter is a great time for planting and pruning.  You can plant as long as your soil is not frozen.  With a winter planting there is no water stress on your plants as often occurs in summer. We have a great selection of plants to meet your landscaping needs. If you need advice, stop by the store or send us an email we are here to help!! We grow plants that thrive in the desert southwest: Shade Trees, Oak Trees, Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Ornamentals, Perennials, Cacti, Grass Seed and seasonal herbs and veggies. We are a full service nursery offering: consultations, delivery, and plantings. We also carry the full line of Soil Secrets Products, the best way to make your soils healthy. We are located in Los Lunas on Highway 47, 4 miles south of the Albertsons – Big 5 shopping center, at the base of Tome Hill. We are open: ...