Sweet 100 tomato ( Lycopersicon lycopersicum 'Sweet 100' ) is a hybrid variety that produces fruit clusters of tomatoes on long branches. A single plant can easily produce 100’s to 1000’s of tomatoes in a single season. This tomato variety is sometimes called “vine candy” in reference to its sweet fruits. When eaten at peak ripeness they are truly a sweet tasty treat. If you planted in May you will be enjoying these tomatoes now and for the remainder of the season (until frost). I will literally fill a sandwich bag with these sweets before work and devour them at lunch. Sweet 100 tomatoes are only about ½" to ¾" in diameter and are the perfect snack for those garden grazers. This a one tomato variety Trees That Please Nursery tries to keep in stock during veggie planting season and are normally sold as 4-packs. I you have not yet tried this tomato variety remember to put it on next seasons wish list....... Photos & Narrative By: Stephen Sai...