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Showing posts from March, 2015

We've Set The Date For The Arboretum Tomé Annual Open House and Garden Party!

Mark Your Calendars Tell Your Friends and Family and Join Us At The Arboretum Tomé  Annual Open House and Garden Party. Date:     Saturday May 30th from 9:30am to 4:30pm Cost:      Free!! Educational Lectures Begin at 10:00 and Include the following: How to Plant and Grow Healthy Gardens - Planting Healthy Trees - Soil Health A Food Vendor will be on site featuring Papa Hanks BBQ, very popular at last year’s event.  Enjoy the Shade While Listening to a Live Band in the Afternoon! For more information and to download An Arboretum Flyer click the following link: Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

What are those Green Beetles that completely consume my Peaches?

We have had this question asked of the nursery staff several times in recent days  as we all anticipate a bountiful fruit harvest this year! What are those Green Beetles that completely consume my Peaches? The answer is:  The Green June Beetle! We don't have any current photos of this little rascal but we can provide you  with the following references that provide additional information and photos.  Click on the links below for more information. As we approach Peach Harvest time we will revisit the Green Jun Beetle! Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

It’s Starting To Look A Lot Like Spring-time All Around The Nursery!

The Daffodils are in Bloom! The Afternoons Are Warm! Makes You Think About Gardening!   Trees That Please Nursery Can Help You With All Your Gardening Needs! Begin With Your Soil –  A Healthy Soil Supports Healthy Plants! We suggest starting with the Soil Secrets Products: TerraPro and Protein Crumblies. We also have a large selection of Shade Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Fruit Trees, Pines, and Evergreens for your landscape needs. If it’s advice you need – stop by the nursery anytime. We love to “Talk Trees”. If we don’t have an answer we will work to find it! Trees That Please Nursery is a Full Service Nursery Offering Consultations, Delivery, And Planting! You’re invited to stop by and check us out! Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice

We Have A Winner!

Over the past month or so we have been collecting entries: For A Free Fruit Tree With Planting A $175.00 Value! We had our drawing And We Have A Winner! David Robinson of Los Lunas, NM….. Trees That Please Nursery will: Deliver, Plant, And Guarantee This Tree! To ensure success we will use the Soil Secrets Products: TerraPro & Protein Crumblies. What Does TerraPro Do? TerraPro is a Soil Conditioner That: Improves the uptake of nutrients Improves soil structure and root development Increases soil microbe activity Increases crop yields Retains fertilizers, thereby reducing runoff Promotes healthier crops, by increasing nutrient uptake Improves drought tolerance, by retaining water in the soil Improve soil fertility Remediates soils damaged by: Crude Oils, Salts and Mine Tailing s What Does Protein Crumblies Do? Protein Crumblies is nature’s best source of nutritional calories for feeding the soil. I...

Transforming Deserts Into Farmland.....

The ambitious   Sahara Forest Project   is developing cutting-edge food, water and energy technologies in the deserts of Qatar and Jordan in an attempt turn sand dunes into farms. The plan: to combine solar thermal technologies with saltwater evaporation techniques, freshwater condensation, and efficient production of food and biomass without displacing existing agriculture or natural vegetation. As desertification   becomes an increasingly vexing problem around the world, this group of technologists is aiming for revegetation… . If the Sahara Forest Project were to use the molecular biology products of  Soil Secrets the desert soils of these sites would need far less water and would  grow more nutrient dense food than what conventional fertilizers could produce under the same conditions.  Soil Secrets is Bio-Mimicry!  Follow this link to read more about the Sahara Forest Project: Click here: Transforming Deserts Into Farmland |...

What are Real Humic Acids? sub-title: What are Supramolecular Humic Molecules?

They aren’t just dead decaying organic stuff.   Humic molecules of soil, often called Humic Acids, are self-assembling structures resulting in bigger structures.  Self-assembly is all about individual parts coming together on their own to build precise things.  The final shape of the bigger structure is called a Supramolecular substance which Nature has programmed to be completely repeatable.  The material science of Supramolecular chemistry is based upon a response to Thermal Energy that’s part of the molecular characteristic of each molecule involved.  The molecules themselves are a ‘Anabolic’ (to build) product of soil chemistry, which is the opposite of composting and soil organic matter which are products of a  ‘Catabolic’ (breaking down) process.  When dealing with the world of Soil Ecology and the Mechanism of Action provided to soils and the living systems of soil by the Supramolecular Humic Molecules, the series of words Supramol...