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Showing posts from November, 2015

Albuquerque’s Largest Urban Forest Tree Renewal Project

Urban forests are an important part of city ecosystems. They improve air quality, provide shade, increase property values, and improve our quality of life. Urban forests can be described in a variety of ways, including vegetation in local parks, public areas, private land, and in or around communities. The high elevation desert landscape of Albuquerque New Mexico is no exception to this. Silver Hills, one of the oldest neighborhoods in southeast Albuquerque, began their urban forest in the 1920's. The neighborhood includes University Boulevard, Gold, Lead, Coal, and Silver Avenue.  Silver Hills has always been known for its large beautiful shade trees, Siberian Elms, plantings encouraged by Clyde Tingley, chairman of the Old City Commission who lived on Silver Ave. Siberian Elms, or Ulmus pumila, are known for being fast growing and hardy in their youth, but as they grow older they become susceptible to insects and disease, and have a relatively short life span.  B...

2015 Fall Bulbs (Plant Now)

This is what the box stores don't have ,  We now have in store an array of very unique fall bulbs that will no doubt make everyone talk about the gorgeous colors in your yard. Sow now and reap a beautiful yard this upcoming spring season, don't forget we have the full package to ensure success with any of your plantings using our innovative soil ecology products ( ). Come and ask our sales staff.   

Driscoll Salt Control Success Story Update

Just refreshing this success story.  Since the past few years has proven difficult with the drought and the lack of surface irrigation water causing a buildup of salinity in our croplands of the West.  These two photos reflect the potential to fix salinity problems by using  TerraPro , an exclusive product of  Soil Secrets .  In one photo the crop is easily seen with yellow and salt stressed foliage while the other photo shows foliage not stressed.  Both fields are side by side at Driscoll's in California, where one field was treated with the TerraPro  which contains as an active ingredient  humic acids  that are bio-identical,  supramolecular humic molecules. By: Michael Melendrez