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Showing posts from November, 2013

Traveled Far and Wide To Find Vasey Oak Acorns This Year!

As New Mexico and Texas have been in drought the last several years collecting acorns from wild tree populations has been tough. Trees have not produced acorns or produce very few during seasons of drought. This year, to collect Vasey Oak acorns necessitated traveling to the Texas Hill Country. We found Vasey Oaks growing up the sides of dry arroyos. Outside of these arroyos the surrounding land appeared to be desert or mesa. Acorns were found in abundance on these trees. Vasey Oak ( Quercus pungens var. vaseyana ) is a New Mexico native tree that can be found growing in the area near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Vasey Oak grows as a tree to 25’ - 40’ tall and wide  or can sometimes form thickets.  Vasey Oak may be an evergreen or semievergreen tree. It’s leaves are glossy green.  The bark of Vasey Oak is unusual in that it is produced in scale-like vertical blocks. Trees That Please Nursery grows Vasey Oaks starting with collected acorns...

COMING SOON: Trees That Please Nursery Website Online Sales!

We are currently updating the Trees That Please Nursery Website adding the ability to offer online sales. We will begin by offering the Products of Soil Secrets including Earth Magic, TerraPro, Protein Crumblies, and TTP Compost.  Trees That Please Nursery and the Arboretum Tome use these products exclusively to feed all our trees, shrubs, perennials, and house plants. We will send out further updates as  the Online Sales portion of our website becomes functional. We also hope to offer bare-root fruit trees and bare-root oak trees as a seasonal online product to the nursery website. Please visit our website at: Select Products tab, then Plant & Soil Food Products to check for online sales of Soil Secrets Products. Photos & Narrative By: Steve Sain Staff Plant Physiologist

Winter in the Greenhouse

During winter we devote a large portion of Greenhouse #1 to native tree seed germination. We travel the state and into Texas searching wild tree populations for seed. Ideally we look for tree species growing in isolation so that hybridization is minimized. We carefully collect, tag, preserve, and transport seed back to the nursery for planting. In some cases we are unable to plant immediately so then we refrigerate the seed until use. Depending upon seed size we then plant one or two seeds per cell. Seed may take one to three months to germinate depending upon variety.  The tray in the photo shows Vasey Oak tree seedlings about one month after planting. Seedlings spend the winter months in the greenhouse then in spring we move them to the Arboretum Tome for further growth and development. They usually spend two to four years at the Arboretum where they are transferred first to one gallon containers then five gallon containers and sometimes into 15 gallon containers. T...

Chisos Red Oak in the Snow!

The Chisos Red Oak ( Quercus gravesii ) is New Mexico's only native red oak tree species. This oak can reach 30' - 35' tall and wide. It has a deep tap root and annual growth up to 4 feet. The Chisos Red Oak most commonly has red-maroon fall color but some trees produce yellow or orange foliage in autumn. The Chisos Red Oak retains its leaves through winter after fall color is lost. These chocolate brown leaves remain on the tree usually until spring growth resumes with new leaves. The Chisos Red Oak makes a great addition to your home or business landscape. The photo above shows a Chisos Red Oak seedling weathering the first snow of the season in Los Lunas, NM! Trees That Please Nursery can deliver and plant your Chisos Red Oak just contact the store for details! Photos & Narrative By: Steve Sain Staff Plant Physiologist