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Showing posts from September, 2014

Changing from GMO to Non-GMO Natural Soy, Experiences from Denmark.

Follow the link below to read about the experiences of a pig farmer in Denmark when he switched away from GMOs and Roundup that resulted in improved health in his herd. Click here: Changing from GMO to Non-GMO Natural Soy, Experiences from Denmark Michael Martin Meléndrez Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC   Albuquerque's Soil Conditioner Source 505 550-3246

Maximilian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani ) is in full flower now!

Maximilian Sunflower ( Helianthus maximiliani  ) is in full flower now across our area. Maximilian Sunflower makes a bright colorful addition to your garden space from late summer into early fall.  Be sure to give it plenty of space as it spreads by means of an underground rhizome. Maximilian Sunflower can reach 4’ – 5’ tall and many feet in width. This plant can be propagated from seed or by digging up the rhizomes during the dormant season. In addition, the rhizomes are edible similar to the to the Jerusalem artichoke. Trees That Please Nursery carries both annual and perennial flowering plants as well as shade trees, fruit trees, shrubs, and cacti that are suitable for our New Mexico climate. The cooler days of fall are an excellent time to plant as water stress is reduced. Check out our website at: Trees That Please Nursery Serves the Albuquerque metropolitan area,  New Mexico, and the Southwest.

Consider a Fast Growing Oak For Your Next Shade Tree!

Consider a Fast Growing Oak For Your Next Shade Tree! More often than not Oak Trees are considered for shade in the landscape because they are thought of as “Slow Growing”. Trees That Please Nursery will tell you that is not true. There are many fast growing oaks that deserve consideration as shade or specimen trees. Oak trees have many desirable traits that make them sought after in the landscape. Oaks have deep roots so can be planted near structures. Oaks are long lived. Oaks are hardwoods so are not prone to the broken branches that are common in trees like cottonwoods or willows. Oaks are less prone to insect damage than other trees. Many Oaks have spectacular fall foliage. Trees That Please Nursery propagates many varieties of Oaks including the “Fast-Growing Texas Red Oak”. Texas Red Oak: Not quite native to New Mexico but gets as close as West Texas. This oak can grow 1’ – 4’ per season and reach 40’ – 45’ in height and 25’ – 30’ in width.  The Texas R

Improved Nutrient Uptake and Water Conservation provided by Soil Secrets TerraPro Product.

An Albuquerque Metro Soil Ecology company, Soil Secrets LLC has invented the ability to manufacture a bio-identical soil molecular substance that can improve how soil supports vegetation.  Improving the crop or landscape plant material improve its ability to get water out of the soil.  Improve the soils ability to store water for longer periods of time.  Improve the drought tolerable limited of any landscape or crop.  And last but not least improve the vegetation's ability to get mineral nutrition out of the soil.  With the Western States drought impacting both agriculture and urban landscaping, this material can be a game changer in how we manage what we do on farms, in our personal yards and with large public sector landscapes such as parks and sports fields.  It’s all about fixing, the Bio Geo Chemical processes of the soil’s ecology using bio mimicry so that the soils natural biochemistry and terrestrial biosphere of microbiology are working properly.  Using the brute force of

Autumn Nursery Hours

September through October Trees That Please Nursery will be open daily as follows: Monday – Saturday    9:00 – 5:00 Sunday                        11:00 – 5:00 We serve the Albuquerque metropolitan area, New Mexico, and the Southwestern U.S. To view the variety of trees and plants we offer please visit our website at: Written By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist

Can I Plant Now?

Great Question! September days are still hot but nights are beginning to chill down. Yes you can plant now - as long as you can commit to the watering requirements of your newly planted tree or shrub. Generally a new planting requires watering 2-3 times per week. Winter watering is also required at least once monthly to prevent the plants root system from drying out. Visit the nursery we propagate shade trees, ornamentals, fruit trees, shrubs, perennials, cacti, house plants to name a few. Our staff can assist you with tree descriptions such as dimensions, root type, fall foliage, soil requirements, watering needs as well as site requirements. We serve the Albuquerque metropolitan area, New Mexico, and the Southwestern U.S. Visit our website at: Written By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist