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Showing posts from July, 2018

Carbon Sequestration

Michael Melendrez 1 hr  ·  Carbon Sequestration, how soil turns into top soil. I've shown you the foundation of our research into what the significant carbon based molecules of soil are and I've shown you how a ruined dispersed clay soil can be fix, healed, by inoculating it with a biomimetic soil ecology process developed by Soil Secrets that will capture carbon, change the color of the soil and change the structure of the soil, all in rapid sequence. In this post I'm showing you the roots of a young Shumard Red Oak that was cut down at the Morton Arboretum in Chicago. The wood found in tree roots is composed of cells that have cell walls made up of a sugar called Cellulose. Cellulose is a complex sugar made up of the same sugar that's found in our blood called Glucose, but in the case of Cellulose the Glucose is linked together to make a larger molecular substance that is structurally strong and able to be the structural backbone of wood. As you can...

Soil Carbon Sequestratrion

Michael Melendrez July 14 at 10:55 AM  ·  Soil Carbon Sequestration is Building Top Soil. These two images were taken at our arboretum in Los Lunas, where 32 years ago the soil was a salty high pH clay with terrible structure. The images showing the cracking and light colored clay is the before Soil Secrets. Using the Biomimetic Soil Ecology protocol of Soil Secrets we've stimulated and instigated the process of top soil development which requires that carbon from the atmosphere is harvested by plants and turned into a molecular form in the soil that allows for long term storage. The image showing the darker soil with aggregates is the same spot the arboretum after three decades of Soil Secrets treatment.