On A Windy At Trees That Please Nursery This Is What You Might See You Gotta Look Quick As We Fix'em Fast! Walk Through The Nursery & Help Us Pick Up Some Fallen Trees! Napping Purple Leaf Plums On A Pillow Of Mulch! Sleeping Junipers Resting Cypress! One Gallon Gambel Oaks - Tripping Hazard! Black Hills Spruce Catching A Snooze Peach Tree Down Apple Turn Over! Trees That Please Nursery is open Daily until 5:00 pm. We are located in Los Lunas, New Mexico on Highway 47, about 4 miles south of the Albertson's - BIG 5 shopping center. 3084 Highway 47 Los Lunas, NM 87031 Photos and Narrative By: Stephen Sain Staff Plant Physiologist Trees That Please Nursery A Retail and Wholesale Nursery Serving Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen Shade Trees, Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, Perennials, Gardening Advice