The Arboretum serves as a living laboratory and is available for school field trips, students, home gardeners, researchers, and individuals. The Arboretum is a great place to observe mature native trees, to study, to be inspired, or to see the great variety of native landscaping trees the southwest has to offer. If you're in the area, call us, for access! During Fall, The Arboretum Tomé, presents a great variety of colorful fall foliage, a visual sensation for the eyes! The Arboretum Tomé is a collection of trees endemic to the desert Southwest. The collection includes a huge collection of Oak trees, the genus Quercus, along with Redwoods, Giant Timber Bamboo, and Maples, including a Western native sugar maple called the Big Tooth Maple, Acer grandidentatum. The Arboretum also contains the production nursery for Trees That Please Nursery and is the proving ground for Soil Secrets products. All plants on the Arboretum grounds and Trees That Please Nursery