Our Silver Lace Vines are blooming now in the nursery yard.
Silver Lace Vine (Fallopia baldschuanica or Polygonum
baldschuanicum orPolygonum aubertii) is also known
as Fleece Vine, Russian Vine, or Mile-a-Minute Vine. Silver Lace Vine is native
to Asia.
Silver Lace Vine is a fast-growing ornamental flowering plant often
used to cover fences, walls, arbors, porches, or other structures. The vine is normally covered with
large clusters of small silvery-white flowers from summer into fall. The
flowers attract honeybees and butterflies so if planted near a garden will
ensure that pollinators are nearby.
Silver Lace Vine can grow 6’-10’
or more each season so is ideal for providing a temporary summer screen as it
does drop its leaves in the fall. After leaf drop, the woody vines that remain
accumulate and become thicker each year providing a partial screen even through
Silver Lace Vine can be grown in
full or part sun in both sandy or clay soils. It does best with low to regular
water and is hardy to USDA Zone 4.
We offer well established vines in 5 gallon containers.
Photos & Narrative
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist
Staff Plant Physiologist