Crown of Thorns Plant (Euphorbia milii) is also known as the Christ plant
or Christ thorn is a popular houseplant.
It is a member
of the family Euphorbiaciae and is native to Madagascar.
common name of this plant refers to the legend that the crown of thorns was worn
by Christ at the time of his crucifixion.
Members of the genus Euphorbia exude a caustic,
milky sap or latex from any cut or broken surface. Latex evolved as a deterrent
to herbivores. Herbivores are organisms that eat plants. If
placed in contact with mucous membranes of the eyes,
mouth, or nose latex is very irritating. Euphorbia species make good
houseplants but should be handled with caution and kept away from children or
pets. Hands should be washed immediately if exposed to any of the milky latex.
The Crown of Thorns Plant is a climbing succulent
shrub that can reach six feet tall. It has spiny stems and usually only
has leaves on new growth.
The Crown of Thorns Plant produces clusters of
small reddish or pinkish orange flowers at different times of the year
including late winter.
That Please Nursery propagates the Crown of Thorns Plant as one of many
Trees That Please Nursery for more information and pricing.
& Narrative By:
Plant Physiologist