Rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis) is a woody, evergreen
perennial herb with fragrant, needle-like leaves. Flowers may be white,
pink, purple, or blue. It is a member of the mint family. The leaves are used to flavor foods like
breads, stuffings, and meats. According to legend, the Virgin Mary is said to
have spread a blue cloak over a white-blossomed rosemary plant when she was
resting, and the flowers turned blue. The shrub then became known as the 'Rose
of Mary'.
Rosemary is very drought tolerant once established. It thrives is
our climate when planted in full sun and well drained soils. Winter hardiness
is no problem for this plant in our climate but if it gets really cold, - 20
degrees, like several years ago there may be some dieback or death.
Trees That Please Nursery usually has Rosemary available in both
the prostrate and upright growth forms. We always try to keep the variety “Arp”
in stock as it is one of the most cold hardy varieties available.
Trees That Please
Nursery propagates a number of evergreen trees and shrubs for your home or
business landscape needs. Check them out by following the link below:
Photos & Narrative
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant
Trees That Please Nursery
Retail and Wholesale
Nurseries Unique Choice
Serving Albuquerque, Santa
Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen