When planting, dig a square hole not round
especially, if your soil is a clay or
compacted soil.
Most of us dig round holes when planting perhaps
to match the containers shape.
As you dig any hole your weight on the
shovel compresses
the sides of the hole as you pull back to left a shovel full of dirt. Whatever shape hole you dig you will end up with compressed and hardened walls.
Roots will follow the path of least resistance
as they grow outward in the planting hole. The path of least resistance will be
the fill dirt area of the hole. When the roots encounter the planting hole wall
it is a harder surface (undisturbed) and the roots may have a tendency to follow
the wall surface rather than penetrate through it. If they do your tree or
shrub may become root bound in the planting hole over time.
A square hole still has the harder wall
surface as found in a round hole but with a square hole there are cracks and
crevices. These cracks and crevices provide places where roots can get stuck
and exit the planting hole.
If you have dug a round hole and even in a square one simply take the blade or your shovel and break up the smooth wall of the planting hole
to provide
cracks and crevices for root exit.
Better and easier still is to use hydrogen
roughen up the walls of the planting hole.
Use about 2 quarts of hydrogen peroxide per
planting hole. Pour it liberally down the wall surfaces. It will begin to
As it does so it loosens the planting walls
Wait for the hydrogen peroxide to stop
before putting your tree or shrub into the
The shape of the planting hole is less
important in sandy soils.
For More Information Visit Our
Website At:
Photos & Narrative By:
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist
Trees That Please Nursery
Retail and Wholesale
Nurseries Unique Choice
Serving Albuquerque, Santa
Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen