On The Eighth Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave
To Me
Eight Bags of Mulch
Seven Bags Of TTP Supreme Compost
Six Gambel Oaks
Five Golden Raintrees
Four Earth Worm Castings
Three Trumpet Vines
Two TerraPros®
A Partridge In A Pear Tree
Mulch is woody to semi-woody, difficult to
compost organic debris.
Mulch is composed of recognizable plant material
branches, pine needles, leaves, wood, etc (see
photo below).
Mulch helps to conserve water, protects the soil
from heat, aridity, wind, weeds, and erosion. Mulch can be considered a blanket
or cover for the soil. Mulch adds organic matter to the soil. Apply mulch
around trees, shrubs, and other plants to a depth of 3-5 inches. Replace mulch
as it decomposes.
Be Generous In Applying Mulch Around Your
Landscape Plants As It Is Very Beneficial In Our Hot, Dry, Windy Climate.
Trees That Please
Nursery Has Both Bagged and Bulk Mulch Depending Upon Your Landscape Needs.
For More Information
Check Out Our Website At:
Photos & Narrative
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant
Trees That Please Nursery
Serving Retail and
Wholesale Customers
Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen