"Microbes Rule"
At one time Soil Secrets like everybody else attempted to fix the many problems of soil by using products such as compost, compost tea, compost extracts, worm castings, bio-char, molasses, and the list goes on. However with microbial labs now getting into the act and working for hire providing the ability to look for the DNA footprint of microbes, along with gene sequencing, we can now create products and protocols that have turned a "square wheel world into a round wheel." We can now produce exactly the correct microbes that are needed to solve the many issues of soil health and plant nutrient uptake, particularly in agriculture where increasing salinity is inhibiting the uptake of plant nutrients. Check out the list of the Soil Biota that we are currently working on providing our farming and landscaping clients. At the moment we are waiting for final approval by all the government entities of these microbes, so we can begin offering them. The product is a consortium of microbes we call "Soil Probiotic BioPack." The BioPack will be a new tool in our tool box to go along with our EndoMaxima Mycorrhizal product, the highest rated and highest spore count mycorrhizal inoculant sold in North America.