Treating Plant Mineral Nutrient Deficiencies With Soil Secrets Products At Trees That Please Nursery!
Our vegetable starter
plants are ready for planting now and are growing rapidly. They only have a
small plug of soil from which to extract most of the required nutrients for
growth. When that plug of soil becomes depleted of a required nutrient the
plant displays symptoms that are caused by one or more deficient nutrients.
Plant Essential
Mineral Nutrients are those required by the plant for normal growth and
development. We can diagnose some of these nutrient deficiencies by looking
at overall plant
condition, especially the leaves.
Simply put: the plant can tell us when it is lacking a
certain required nutrient.
Here are two examples
to illustrate:
Iron Deficiency Stress:
When a plant is deficient
in iron they often display the symptom of interveinal chlorosis.
Interveinal chlorosis
is a general yellowing of leaves where the veins remaining green as seen in the
photo below of Bell Pepper Plants.
The other clue that
points to Iron Deficiency is that the symptoms appear and are more striking first in the young leaves
(top of the plant) and
not in the older portion (bottom of the plant).
This occurs because
iron is immobile once used structurally within the plant. In other words, the
plant cannot re-mobilize iron to another site for growth. So actively growing
regions (plant top) show the symptoms we recognize as interveinal chlorosis.
At Trees That Please Nursery we recognize this
nutrient need and will feed the affected plants with the Soil Secrets Product
TTP Supreme Compost.
TTP Supreme Compost
contains many of the plant nutrients essential for growth. An analysis of TTP
Supreme Compost can be viewed on the
Soil Secrets website via the following link:
Nitrogen Deficiency Stress:
When a plant is deficient
in nitrogen they often display the symptom of leaf and stem chlorosis. Clorosis
means greenish yellow or yellow.
This general yellowing
or Chorosis affects older leaves first
as in the tomato
plants photo below.
occurs because nitrogen is mobile once used structurally within the plant. In
other words, the plant can re-mobilize (re-use) nitrogen at another site for growth.
So, actively growing regions (plant top) will initially be green while older
plant parts are chlorotic.
At Trees That Please Nursery we recognize
nitrogen deficiency and will feed the affected plants with the Soil Secrets
Product Protein Crumblies.
More information
about Protein Crumblies can be viewed on the Soil Secrets website via the
following link:
plant nutrient deficiencies is not always straight forward as symptoms may be
caused by several deficient nutrients occurring simultaneously. Sometimes a plant
may be discolored for other reasons. An over-watered plant sitting in a wet
clay soil may have yellow leaves similar to those seen in nitrogen
deficiency. It is important to look at
all the facts….
Photos and Narrative
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist
Trees That Please Nursery
A Retail and Wholesale
Serving Albuquerque,
Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Belen
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