It's almost Bare Root fruit tree season and we will have some Sweet and Juicy varieties selected for our climate and growing conditions.
Bare Root Fruit trees are younger trees, generally 2-3 years old, that have had the soil removed from their roots. This makes shipping and handling easier and less expensive. It also makes them easier to plant. Below is a photo showing one of our bare root trees with exposed roots.
Bare Root fruit trees are planted while still dormant, immediately upon receipt. Normal winter care consists of watering about once every 3-4 weeks to ensure the roots remain moist (not wet) through the winter months.
The list below shows what we expect to be available for immediate planting in the next few weeks.
Green Gage Bavay’s
Plum Myro 29C
Reserve your Bare Root fruit tree today or get on our TO CALL list by contacting Trees That
Please Nursery via Email:
or phone at: 505-866-5027
Photos and Narrative By:
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist
Bare Root Fruit trees are younger trees, generally 2-3 years old, that have had the soil removed from their roots. This makes shipping and handling easier and less expensive. It also makes them easier to plant. Below is a photo showing one of our bare root trees with exposed roots.
Bare Root fruit trees are planted while still dormant, immediately upon receipt. Normal winter care consists of watering about once every 3-4 weeks to ensure the roots remain moist (not wet) through the winter months.
The list below shows what we expect to be available for immediate planting in the next few weeks.
Bare Root Fruit Tree List 2014
Variety Rootstock
Gala Apple M111
Jonathan Apple M111
Ashmead’s Kernal Apple M111
Pink Lady Apple M111
Spitzenberg Apple M111
O’Henry Peach Lovell
Shinko Asian Pear Betulafolia
Lapins Cherry Mahaleb
North Star Cherry Mahaleb
Li Jujube Jujube
Seckel Pear OHxF333
Warren Pear OHxF333
Reserve your Bare Root fruit tree today or get on our TO CALL list by contacting Trees That
Please Nursery via Email:
or phone at: 505-866-5027
Photos and Narrative By:
Stephen Sain
Staff Plant Physiologist