The Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) is also known as the Giant Redwood, Sierra Redwood, and Wellingtonia. During the Jurassic Period (135 to 180 million years ago) and Cretaceous Periods (35 to 70 million years ago) Giant Sequoias were the dominant tree in Europe and North America. Today Giant Sequoias grow wild only on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. This area is characterized by dry summers and snowy winters and deep soil moisture. Giant Sequoia is related to the Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and the Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides).
Giant Sequoias are amongst the world’s largest trees. Trees have been measured at 311 ft. in height and 56 ft. in width. The oldest known Giant Sequoia was estimated to be 3,500 years old by counting its rings.
Sequoia is propagated from seeds produced in cones. Young trees start to
produce cones when 12 years or older. Young trees are tall and conically shaped
with an almost ideal Christmas tree shape. Giant Sequoia’s make a nice living
Christmas tree that can be planted out in the yard and decorated during future
holiday seasons.
leaves of the Giant Sequoia are evergreen and scale-like, so it may be useful
as a screen or visual barrier.
If you're looking for something different to add to your landscape and water is not limiting, try the Giant Sequoia!
Giant Sequoia requires regular water for growth and are not a xeric tree. Given regular water it can add 1’ – 1.5’ in height annually. The Giant Sequoia is best grown in full or part sun, with regular water. It is hardy to USDA zone 5.
Giant Sequoia requires regular water for growth and are not a xeric tree. Given regular water it can add 1’ – 1.5’ in height annually. The Giant Sequoia is best grown in full or part sun, with regular water. It is hardy to USDA zone 5.
Contact Trees That Please Nursery for availability and pricing.
Photos & Narrative
SainStaff Plant Physiologist