Fast and Hard describes our unique collection of Native New Mexico Oaks. There are several varieties of fast-growing hardwood oaks ideally suited as shade and specimen trees. Fast growing natives include: Gray Oak, Chisos Red Oak, Chinquapin Oak, and the New Mexico Live Oak. Under ideal conditions they can grow up to 4 feet per year but after establishment can be grown with much less water than other shade trees like cottonwoods, ash, and sycamores. The Gray Oak and New Mexico Live Oak are evergreen, meaning they hold their leaves through the winter. The Chisos Red Oak has brilliant red-maroon fall leaf color. Oaks have deep root systems so can be planted closer to structures than most other shade trees. Contact Trees That Please Nursery and ask for a copy of the oak trees we propagate.
Goatheads ( Tribulus terrestris ) are native to Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Goatheads are also called stickers, sticker weed, bullhead, devil’s weed, and puncturevine. Goatheads are easily recognized by their prostrate growth form, leaves with leaflets, yellow flowers, and stickers (Goatheads). If you miss’em visually then they will stab you painfully in the fingers as you work your garden, or stick to your clothing and shoes. Goatheads are the primary reason local bicyclists must get “thorn proof” tires for riding on area trails and streets. Goatheads have prostrate stems that radiate outward from one central point. Leaves are compound with smaller leaflets. Lemon yellow flowers form along the stems and fertilized flowers form fruits. Fruits consist of several attached structures called nutlets (Goatheads). Each nutlet is a single seed that becomes hard or woody when mature. Each seed has two sharp spines that easily pene...
Seriously, great tree suggestions. I'm looking forward to seeing how fast your Gray Oak plants grow near Old Town in a design.